Your Self-Criticism Is Holding You Back

Get out of your own way and tame your inner critic

Pach Deng
3 min readMay 26, 2020
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

There’s no debating that life is difficult, part of the human condition is suffering.

Some people are luckier than others, you can either complain about your situation or do something about it. There is no fairness in life, things out of your control will happen.

How you react and response will determine your future.

Nearly all the time, it’s not what happens to you that causes the most pain, it’s the meaning and the story we attach to the situation.

It’s something that most people struggle with, the stories we tell ourselves when something happens or doesn’t go our way. These stories don’t do anything to help the situation.

It does quite the opposite, the stories that you tell yourself create a negative narration that will lead you to develop a victim mentality.

You can always turn a negative situation into a positive situation

It doesn’t matter who or where you come from, there is always a way to turn a negative situation into a positive situation.

The truth is nobody can make you feel negative other than you. You are in control of how you feel about yourself. If you think about things that make you feel unhappy or angry, you are going to feel negative.

How you think will determine how you feel, think positive and you will feel positive. When you learn how to harness the power of positive thinking, you’ll be able to control your emotions in any situation.

Part of turning negative situations into positive ones has to do with your level of self-confidence.

The key to eliminating negative emotions

Take responsibility for yourself, your reactions, beliefs, emotions and your situation.

There is power in taking responsibility for one’s life, you are where you are because of your choices. There is no one to blame but yourself.

You cannot take responsibility for your life, situation and reactions, and be negative at the same time. Your mind can only focus on one thought at a time, positive or negative.

So anytime you feel negative, say to yourself over and over again. “I am responsible.”

In every situation, whether it involves you directly or not, you are always partially responsible for what happened.

You can handle anything

It’s quite liberating to learn that you are capable of handling anything that life throws at you.

You can handle all of the uncomfortable feelings and situations that life throws at you. It’s not always going to be fun, but you are capable of handling it.

You have some much strength, wisdom and grit within you. You can get to the other side of the situation that is dragging you down — you just have to make sure to feel it.

Go through whatever you are feeling or facing in your life, you are stronger and braver than you know.

Just remember that you can handle what haunts your dreams as long as you let yourself work through it.



Pach Deng

Exploring the intersection of resilience, fulfillment, and self-actualisation: